Project Overview
워터팔레트는 여성속옷 전문기업 유아이너프에서 새롭게 출시한 속옷 전용 세제 브랜드로 세탁물의 특성과
세정효과, 인체 무해 및 친환경의 컨셉의 제품입니다. 우리는 제품의 타깃과 특성에 맞는 컨셉으로
워터팔레트의수채화 느낌과 깨끗함, 트랜디하고 깔끔한 이미지를 전달할 수 있는 그래픽모티와,
구조적으로는 소비자 사용성 및 휴대, 친환경의 이슈를 최대한 반영하기위한 연구를 진행하였습니다.
세정효과, 인체 무해 및 친환경의 컨셉의 제품입니다. 우리는 제품의 타깃과 특성에 맞는 컨셉으로
워터팔레트의수채화 느낌과 깨끗함, 트랜디하고 깔끔한 이미지를 전달할 수 있는 그래픽모티와,
구조적으로는 소비자 사용성 및 휴대, 친환경의 이슈를 최대한 반영하기위한 연구를 진행하였습니다.
Water Palette is a detergent brand exclusively for underwear newly launched by Uenuff, a company specializing
in women's underwear. It is a product with the concept of being harmless to the human body and eco-friendly.
We are a concept that fits the target and characteristics of the product, and is a product that can convey
the watercolor feeling and cleanness of the water palette, as well as a trendy and neat image.
Graphic Morty, and structurally, research was conducted to reflect the issues of consumer usability,
portability, and eco-friendliness as much as possible.
in women's underwear. It is a product with the concept of being harmless to the human body and eco-friendly.
We are a concept that fits the target and characteristics of the product, and is a product that can convey
the watercolor feeling and cleanness of the water palette, as well as a trendy and neat image.
Graphic Morty, and structurally, research was conducted to reflect the issues of consumer usability,
portability, and eco-friendliness as much as possible.
/ Paper Structure. / Logo Type. / Graphic Design.